Best Gas-Engine RC Airplanes

RC Dornier DO-X



Dornier DO-X giant Water Airplane with 12x 10ccm O.S Motors Model Airplane Lufthansa, Hausen Flugtag 2014 Pilot: Bräuer Michael das Model Holz konstruktion, hat 12x 10ccm Motoren und ist 60 Kg



  • wingspan. 6.09 meter
  • length. 4.07 meter

RC F4U Corsair



Huge F4U Corsair RC Plane over the Swiss Alps RC Model Show Airtistica Raron 2016. I like the sound of this Model Airplane fantastic, hope you like it too.

RC Extra 330 SC X-Treme



Airtistica 2016 Raron Aerobatic/Kunstflug Extra 330 SC X-treme 3D flight Pilot: Gernot Bruckmann (A) Faszination Modellflug-Show

RC Bellanca Citabria on Floats


WasserFlug Event 2020 Heidsee/Lenzerheid up in the Switzerland Mountains on the Lake Heid. 

THANKS to my Partner: 🎥RECORDE🎥 by 🐝nuessgi22🐝 ✅ SUB HERE:


Huge RC BOBBER Airplane

What a fantastic replica of a Savage Bobber RC Model Airplane, enjoy it.

Model: Savage Bobber

Scale: 1:2,25

Wingspan: 4,18 meter

Weight: 21 kg

Engine: Gasoline valach vm 120ccm

Crash Huge RC JU-52


What a nice JU-52 RC scale Airplane, very nice made after a perfect flight it crashes into cars. I've already seen it land and then take it off and two of the 3x engines don't run and it ends in a crash.

400PS Remote Controlled 4x Turbine CONCORDE!!!

Hausen a. Albis 2019

Hausen a. Albis 2013

Airbus A-380 RC Scale 4x Turbine Model Airliner Singapore Airlines

RC Airliner meeting Germany 2015

Boeing 747 RC Airliner 4x Turbine Model Airplane

Meiringen RC Scale Model Championship 2016

Huge,Gigantic RC Alpha twin Turbine Model Jet

First Scale RC Helicopter meeting Landquart 2018

Blue Thunder Serie Scale Model RC Turbine Model Helicopter

Hausen a. Albis 2019

Lockheed TriStar L-1011 EASTERN AIRLINES

Roger Knobel and the BLACKBIRD SR-71 Turbine Model Jet.!!

Hausen a. Albis 2018


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