Electric RC Airplanes

Boeing 377 Super Guppy RC



                                                   Airlinermeeting Germany

it was a very nice day and i dont know but the CG of this Airplane is not well and it Crash sorry for that.

Kalinin K7 RC Airplane


Rainer mattle with a own construction CCCP Kalinin K-7 RC Scale Model Airplane unusal. The Kalinin K-7 (Russian: Калинин К-7; Ukrainian: Калінін К-7) was a heavy experimental aircraft designed and tested in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s. It was of unusual configuration, with twin booms and large underwing pods housing fixed landing gear and machine gun turrets, enjoy the flight.




this self construction ANTONOV AN-225 RC Scale Model Airplane 6x EDF-electric ducted fan, together with the Buran Spaceship both Radio controlled and the Antonov decoupling the Buran midair it looks fantastic, enjoy it.

400PS Remote Controlled 4x Turbine CONCORDE!!!

Hausen a. Albis 2019

Hausen a. Albis 2013

Airbus A-380 RC Scale 4x Turbine Model Airliner Singapore Airlines

RC Airliner meeting Germany 2015

Boeing 747 RC Airliner 4x Turbine Model Airplane

Meiringen RC Scale Model Championship 2016

Huge,Gigantic RC Alpha twin Turbine Model Jet

First Scale RC Helicopter meeting Landquart 2018

Blue Thunder Serie Scale Model RC Turbine Model Helicopter

Hausen a. Albis 2019

Lockheed TriStar L-1011 EASTERN AIRLINES

Roger Knobel and the BLACKBIRD SR-71 Turbine Model Jet.!!

Hausen a. Albis 2018


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